Managing driver performance and risk is key to effectively running your fleet. ⭐️
Our performance module is core to our platform and, as such, is a free of charge addition when you run our Tachograph module.
With the module, you can access electronic debriefs and digitally manage any infringements. Drivers and managers do not have to physically be together and actions can be resolved remotely.
Drivers can also have access to their own information on the system, so they can monitor their own performance and there is a greater opportunity to empower and educate them, should there be any compliance issues.
And you can configure it to fit your business needs. You can setup levels to measure performance and ensure compliance issues are dealt with effectively and fairly.
If you own or operate commercial vehicles we are certain that we can help you to, manage your Compliance obligations, reduce operating costs, increase productivity and improve your profitability. Just contact us for a friendly chat. It could just be the best thing you do today!